

It Only Goes Up!



The absurdity of the U.S. national debt turned

into a meme coin.

32 trillion max supply.

The bigliest elephant in the room

In early 2023, USDEBT launched as a funny joke, a meme coin poking fun at the fiscal irresponsibility of the U.S. government and the skyrocketing U.S. national debt. Enthusiasts across the internet began tweeting #ItOnlyGoesUp!

USDEBT has now evolved into a formidable economic movement, uniquely raising awareness of the U.S. national debt crisis. By tokenizing the U.S. national debt phenomena, USDEBT harnesses the viral nature of memes, turning an economic force into a digital cryptocurrency.

The USDEBT Roadmap to

Outrageous Numbers

" We fall off it in 2024, and people aren't worried enough."
- The Mother of All Fiscal Cliffs, National Review, Oct. 2023

U.S. Debt Marketing Team

We didn't hire these guys, but we'll take 'em!

  • "The U.S. federal government is on an unsustainable fiscal path. And that just means that the debt is growing faster than the economy. . . ." - Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve

    Feb 5, 2024

    "…when it starts, markets around the world – by the way, because foreigners own $7 trillion of U.S government debt – there will be a rebellion…." - Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase

    Jan 27, 2024

    "The skyrocketing national debt is a symptom of misplaced priorities. We have not met our obligations, financially or morally, to our citizens and future generations." -Robert F. Kennedy Jr., 2024 U.S. Presidential Candidate

    Mar 2, 2024

    "[US national debt] is the bull case for Bitcoin" - Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase

    Jan 19, 2023

    The U.S. national debt is rising by the entire market cap of Bitcoin every ~100 days. Jameson Lopp, Bitcoin OG

    Mar 1, 2024

    “U.S. national debt growth is unsustainable” - Elon Musk, CEO X, Tesla, & SpaceX

    Feb 12, 2024

    "We're going to have a debt crisis in this country. -Ray Dalio, Founder, Bridgewater Associates

    Oct 14, 2023

    "A debt spiral is like a death spiral… We need something to come in from the outside, or maybe some kind of miracle."- Nassim Taleb

    Feb 1, 2024

Disclaimer: These quotes are from leaders that raise concerns about the rise of the U.S. national debt. This website does not represent that it is speaking on behalf of these individuals or communicating their current and full views. Rather the site is providing select quotes referring to the debt issue. Quotes presented are for illustration and entertainment purposes only and do not constitute endorsement of USDEBT meme coin. If interested in the U.S. debt issue, you should conduct your own research and draw your own conclusions.



Terms of Use

DISCLAIMER: The USDEBT meme coin is a decentralized cryptocurrency and should be considered a satirical and experimental project. USDEBT is not backed by any government, company, or legal entity. USDEBT does not represent an investment in a business or entity.